Безумная любовная жизнь горячего вампира (1971) 1of2
54,693 98%
6 лет назад
Random_User_Reviews 6 лет назад
Fun Vampire-Porn
Michael_Elliott5 September 2015
The Mad Love Life of a Hot Vampire (1971)
** 1/2 (out of 4)
Porn film has Count Dracula (Jim Parker), his bride and their hunchback assistant set up in Arizona where the Count keeps a fresh supply of blood by sending his three vampire hookers out to pick up men, sexually satisfy them and then drain them of their blood.
Director Dennis Ray Steckler made quite a few porno films but I don't think he ever talked about them or at least I haven't been able to find an interview where he admits to directing them. That's really too bad because in many ways they're the best films I've seen from the cult director. Of course, Steckler always just wanted to make fun movies and his early films are full of this low-budget oddities but his porn work is actually a lot more interesting.
This film here pretty much plays up the horror elements but of course there's a ton of sex and some humor thrown in as well. If you're a fan of the horror genre then you're going to find this Count rather funny and his hunchback assistant is also very funny at times including when he has a hard time performing with one of the vampire hookers. The sex scenes are pretty much what you'd expect from a porno of this era but even with these Steckler simply wasn't just going for a money shot. A lot of humor is in the sex as well.
The highlight has to be the scenes where the vampire hookers go to drain the blood. Yes, guys, you might want to cover your eyes even though you can tell that the vampire teeth are the plastic ones we all buy at Halloween time. Still, THE MAD LOVE LIFE OF A HOT VAMPIRE is a fun film. Clocking in just under a hour there's certainly nothing ground-breaking here but it's a fun little movie. Plus, you have to remember that this was several years before Jess Franco's THE FEMALE VAMPIRE.
Michael_Elliott5 September 2015
The Mad Love Life of a Hot Vampire (1971)
** 1/2 (out of 4)
Porn film has Count Dracula (Jim Parker), his bride and their hunchback assistant set up in Arizona where the Count keeps a fresh supply of blood by sending his three vampire hookers out to pick up men, sexually satisfy them and then drain them of their blood.
Director Dennis Ray Steckler made quite a few porno films but I don't think he ever talked about them or at least I haven't been able to find an interview where he admits to directing them. That's really too bad because in many ways they're the best films I've seen from the cult director. Of course, Steckler always just wanted to make fun movies and his early films are full of this low-budget oddities but his porn work is actually a lot more interesting.
This film here pretty much plays up the horror elements but of course there's a ton of sex and some humor thrown in as well. If you're a fan of the horror genre then you're going to find this Count rather funny and his hunchback assistant is also very funny at times including when he has a hard time performing with one of the vampire hookers. The sex scenes are pretty much what you'd expect from a porno of this era but even with these Steckler simply wasn't just going for a money shot. A lot of humor is in the sex as well.
The highlight has to be the scenes where the vampire hookers go to drain the blood. Yes, guys, you might want to cover your eyes even though you can tell that the vampire teeth are the plastic ones we all buy at Halloween time. Still, THE MAD LOVE LIFE OF A HOT VAMPIRE is a fun film. Clocking in just under a hour there's certainly nothing ground-breaking here but it's a fun little movie. Plus, you have to remember that this was several years before Jess Franco's THE FEMALE VAMPIRE.
Random_User_Reviews 6 лет назад
guru_monk4 October 2009
To think we're only a couple of years past RD Steckler's much more enjoyable genre productions and this "movie" seems even sadder. I have a hard time believing this thing was ever released to theaters, even porno theaters in Vegas. That said, only in Vegas would a horror show host appear in a porno movie. The guy playing Dracula stumbles over his lines and barely even makes sense half the time. He sends some women who look like they've had some dark nights of the soul on the Vegas strip out to supply him with blood. This being a porno you can probably guess what they get it from. Two seemingly endless sex scenes make up about 90% of the already scant running time. Carolyn Brandt shows up in cut-aways and makes "Laugh In" type jokes. The sound is out of sync and the sex is of the "tarantulas mating" kind you see in most 70s pornos, but there is one slow motion running scene that was very Steckler. Poor Ray, I guess a guy's gotta eat...
guru_monk4 October 2009
To think we're only a couple of years past RD Steckler's much more enjoyable genre productions and this "movie" seems even sadder. I have a hard time believing this thing was ever released to theaters, even porno theaters in Vegas. That said, only in Vegas would a horror show host appear in a porno movie. The guy playing Dracula stumbles over his lines and barely even makes sense half the time. He sends some women who look like they've had some dark nights of the soul on the Vegas strip out to supply him with blood. This being a porno you can probably guess what they get it from. Two seemingly endless sex scenes make up about 90% of the already scant running time. Carolyn Brandt shows up in cut-aways and makes "Laugh In" type jokes. The sound is out of sync and the sex is of the "tarantulas mating" kind you see in most 70s pornos, but there is one slow motion running scene that was very Steckler. Poor Ray, I guess a guy's gotta eat...